Revealing Porsche's Leap into the Future


Show Director


Singapore's vibrant skyline became the backdrop for an exceptional event, where Porsche's latest innovations were revealed in a captivating display of artistry and technology. Together with Porsche AG and Mind Act Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH & Co. KG, we embarked on a journey to redefine what an unveiling could be.For two unforgettable weeks, our team transformed simple unveilings into mesmerizing performances that enthralled an international audience and pushed the boundaries of imagination.

Credits & Info


Porsche AG, Germany


Mind Act Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH & Co. KG

Multimedia Concept

Jannis Kern




600 light drones painted the night sky with passionatelyabstract air choreography, a custom-made water show added an immersive layer ofdepth and emotional fluidity, and a specially designed geometrical handperformance created with Sadeck Waaf. This was only the beginning. A seamless blend of over100 performers, including hand tutters, dancers, trickers, live drummers, andDJ, all moving in perfect harmony to the beat of innovation.  As the excitement peaked, super star Dua Lipa took thestage, electrifying the audience with her presen.

This production was more than just a show; it was atestament to the power of collaboration and creativity.  In a 15-minute spectacle, we didn't just unveil cars;we unveiled new possibilities, leaving an indelible mark on those who witnessedit. This collaborative vision, driven by dedicationand passion, exemplified how teamwork can create unforgettable experiences. Itwas a pleasure to show direct such a groundbreaking production, showcasing notonly Porsche's innovation but also the limitless potential of creativecollaboration.

in the sea
of lights"

nights of magic
nights of magic
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